Y. ennadifi
Keywords: Geopark, Morocco, M'Goun
The Association for the Protection of Moroccan Geological Heritage had presented the "M'Goun Geopark" project at the first international Geopark Conference, in Bejing, in June, 2004 Since then, the project's can be summarized, as follows:
1. Signature in June, 2004, of an agreement between the APPGM and the representatives of the local communities in the Geopark site. The objective is the development of a charter for the Geopark's management.
2. The M'Goun Geopark Association (MGA) was created in January of 2006. It is composed of the representatives of the local communities and NGOs. This assoclation already has a project manager. The management committee will be provided with the financial means and human resources to implement and to achieve its goals. These include the planning, development and identification of the geological sites. The detailed charter is till being elaborated.
3. Signature of partnership conventions have taken place between the Association, private and public sectors and government departments. The objectives are as follows: to equip the park with descriptive panels, preserve and enhance the geo-sites, and build a Museum of Earth Sciences at Azilal, which is the site of the Geopark.
The main activity of the management committee is focused on the development of a regional charter. This involves a commitment from local communities, local government officials, administrators. Associations, and scientists. The above mentioned participants will be in working groups. They work on specific themes or areas, in order to assess assets, attributes and weaknesses. In addition, they will define future stakes and priorities for sustainable development and the preservation of the natural and cultural inheritance.
The AGM's aim is to submit its candidacy to UNESCO, next year, in hopes of integrating the international Geopark network.