Global Network of National Geoparks

Intensive Course on Geoparks

Source :EGN Published :March 31, 2014

The Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest and the University of the Aegean – Department of Geography invite you to participate in the Intensive Course “Geoconservation: Methodologies for the protection, conservation, promotion and management of Earth Heritage sites” on Lesvos Island, Greece, from June 24th to July 4th, 2014.


Lectures will be given by experts and academic staff with long experience on geoconservation and geoheritage protection, management and sustainable tourism.


The International Intensive Course on Geoconservation 2014 is co-organized in close cooperation with the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network and the European Geoparks Network. The Course will take place on Lesvos Island, Greece at the premises of the Lesvos Geopark.


Those who are interested in participating in the course are invited to submit the respective application form accompanied by a short CV and an abstract (one page) of their presentation, which will be presented during the Course.


Application deadline: May 30th, 2014