Global Network of National Geoparks

UNESCO includes the knowledge and techniques of the art of construction in dry stone in the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity

Source :Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark, Spain Published :March 4, 2019

Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark has scheduled a dry stone construction workshop for next spring, funded 90% by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain.

The ONU cultural agency announced recently that the Art of Construction in dry stone, knowledge and techniques, had been inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This nomination was submitted in common by Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Slovenia, Italy and Switzerland and it received the approval of the Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage get together in Port-Louis (Republic of Mauritius).




In this way, the importance of this traditional knowledge and technique is recognized worldwide, whose origins can be traced back perhaps in the prehistoric times, this technique has been profusely used in the greatest part of Spain, such as Aragón, Andalucía, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia and Valencia. 

Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark, together with other European Geoparks such as Psiloritis and Vikos Aoos in Greece, Haute-Provence and Louberon in France or Madonie and Roca di Cerere in Italy, is one of the territories where the greatest number of properties constructed with this traditional technique is concentrated, whose main characteristic is the absence of mortar or binder in the placement of the building material (uncut stone) in which the stability and functionality of the construction lies in the skill and experience of the builder.