Global Network of National Geoparks

Itoigawa Hosts Geopark Certification Seminar

Source :Itoigawa Global Geopark, Japan Published :December 15, 2014


Helping fellow Geoparks prepare for Geopark Certification

and train future Inspection Teams


In late November, the Itoigawa Global Geopark hosted a two-day seminar for Geoparks and Aspiring Regions throughout Japan. Taking the form of a mock inspection tour, this seminar took representatives from participating Geoparks through a recreation of Itoigawa Global Geopark’s most recent recertification inspections in 2013.



Like an inspection tour, the program began with a series of presentations


Representatives from Geoparks and Aspiring Regions from all across Japan gathered in Itoigawa in central Japan to participate. They met in the morning for a welcoming ceremony after which they dove right into the training seminar. The program followed the schedule of Itoigawa Global Geopark’s 2013 recertification inspection, including a number of presentations about the Geopark and its progress from its initial certification in 2009 and its recertification in 2013.



The seminar took representatives on the same tour as the GGN Bureau Inspectors


Participants took the same tour prepared for the Certification Inspection Team. During this tour, Itoigawa Global Geopark Staff shared the comments, questions, and concerns raised by the Geopark Inspectors.



Seminar participants learn about signage at the Kotakigawa Jade Gorge 


The Geopark Model is expanding rapidly in Japan, with 35 National Geoparks, of which 7 are Global Geoparks, and many more regions aspiring to become Geoparks. With many new and up-and-coming Geoparks, seminars like this one are vital to continue to improve the quality of Geoparks in Japan and to assure compliance with the high standards of both the Japanese Geoparks Network as well as the Global Geoparks Network. Participants also improved their abilities to look at Geoparks critically, improving the quality of Geopark Inspections within Japan, and helping to foster new Global Geopark Network Inspectors. Through this we hope to continue our contributions and support to the GGN Bureau and our fellow Global Geoparks.