Global Network of National Geoparks

Tianzhushan-Huangshan Exhibition of Science Popularization Works was Held in the Geo-Museum of Anhui Province, China

Source :Geo-museum of Anhui Province and Tianzhushan Global Geopark of China Published :July 15, 2015

On July 11, the 10th anniversary of Chinese Global Geoparks and Tianzhushan-Huangshan exhibition of science popularization works was held in the geo-museum of Anhui Province, China.




This exhibition publicized and displayed the splendid development and the remarkable progress made by Chinese Global Geoparks in the past ten years. At the same time, the exhibition albums made by Huangshan and Tianzhushan Global Geoparks were simultaneously exhibited. This exhibition aimed to upgrade people’s awareness to protect the geological heritage and the ecological environment, and enlarge the influence of geoparks and public participation as well.

Visitor thought highly of the exhibition, which made them deeply appreciate the majestic landscape of China and learn more about geoparks, and hoped to have the opportunity to visit all geoparks, learn about the tremendous change of the earth and cherish our natural ecological environment.




In the near future, this kind of exhibitions will successively be held in Tianzhushan Global Geopark and Huangshan Global Geopark.